Musto Footwear Landing Page Redesign
Musto Footwear had grown extensively in the past months before the start of the project and was becoming one of the key pilar of the brand. The goal of the redesign of the Footwear landing page was to better communicate about this key aspect of the business. Giving footwear a place to shine on musto.com.

Digital Strategy
To do so, we decided to tell the stories behind each piece of footwear. Whether it’s about the know-how of shoe making, the history of a classic such as the sailing moccasin, or the innovation behind and how this will help users preform best in any conditions. One of the key challenges was the constraint of the site at that time. The CSS was very limited, the page not full width, the content had therefore to fit within the margin.

Project Management
The project lasted over several months and included collaboration with the copy writers, the graphic designer, athletes and the head of footwear. Intensive research was made to get a feel and collect all the stories behind each key piece of footwear: collecting the information, highlighting the key elements and messages to find the right stories for each shoe. I then worked with the copy writers to deliver the story with as much authenticity as possible. The last phase of the project was to build and implement each of those stories on the musto.com.

What They've Said
“Silent assassin – Working hard behind the scenes. Under the radar with passion, drive and a real desire to push herself and the brand forward. Her project on the re-configuration of the footwear section of the website was excellent, constantly in touch and asking questions showing how conscientious she was to deliver the best possible. Mathilde is prepared to go out of her comfort zone to grow and develop skills which will inevitably benefit her current role and ultimately the brand. Pride and passion in the Brand you work for is a personal Maxim."
Chris McGrath HEAD of DESIGN - Pentland Brands Footwear Division.